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Nehal Doshi

Nehal Doshi

Northwick Park Hospital, UK

Title: Bilateral intraoral coronoidectomy to successfully treat trismus secondary to bilateral coronoid hyperplasia


Biography: Nehal Doshi


Bilateral coronoid hyperplasia (BCH) is rare but established cause of facial pain and restricted mouth opening. It is characterized by a non-neoplastic elongation of the coronoid process into the infratemporal fossa. The corresponding interference on the zygomatic bone causes restriction in mouth opening. The bilateral form of coronoid hyperplasia occurs four times as frequently as the unilateral form. In previous reviews of the literature (McLoughlin et al, 1995) 79 cases of bilateral coronoid hyperplasia were reported until 1995 and then a further 47 cases upto 2010 (Mulder et al, 2012). The main stay of treatment is a surgical approach by peforming a coronoidotomy or coronoidectomy either via an intraoral or extraoral approach. We present a case of a 18 year old male who presented to our department with a restriction in mouth opening of 17 mm. He had associated facial pain and headaches for which he was seen by a facial pain team as well as neurology respectively. He subsequently underwent bilateral coronoidectomy via an intraoral approach. Post operative review revealed that he had resolution of trismus with a mouth opening of 34 mm and resolution of his facial pain and trismus as a result of surgical intervention.