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Farnaz Keyhanlou

Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch, Iran

Title: Comparison of a new bovine xenograft and Bio-Oss in ridge preservation following tooth extraction: A histologic and histomorphometric study


Biography: Farnaz Keyhanlou


Following tooth removal, the surrounding alveolar bone, which is a critical tooth supporting structure, undergoes inevitable remodeling resulting in marked osseous resorption. The bone alterations of post-extraction site compromises of ideal oral rehabilitation. Bone grafting in dentistry is still the key component to promote healing of bony defects. On this basis, it is confirmed that alveolar ridge preservation technique results in significantly less vertical and horizontal contraction of the alveolar bone crest when compared to spontaneous healing. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a novel xenograft, BonePlus+B and Bio-Oss in socket. This randomized clinical trial composed of patients subjected to a minimum of 2 single root extractions in the same jaw. Seven patients (4 females, 3 males) with a mean age of 40±5.2 years, contributed 16 extraction sockets that were randomly grafted with either Boneplus+B (n=9) or Bio-Oss (n=7). After 5 months, bone samples were harvested for histological and histomorphometrical analysis. All data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test analysis with the P-value set at 0.05. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of socket preservation success between the two studied groups (P-value<0.05). The results of this study suggest that socket preservation with either BonePlus+B or Bio-Oss, has similar outcomes up to 5 months of healing following immediate grafting of fresh extraction sockets. BonePlus+B can be used as possible bone substitutes prior to implant placement that do not interfere with normal bone repair processes.