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Noushin Janbakhsh

Noushin Janbakhsh

Ilam University, Iran

Title: Gingival biotype: Clinical diagnosis, prevention of related complications in Restorative Dentistry and introduction of a new method for biotype enhancement


Biography: Noushin Janbakhsh


The definition of aesthetics in dentistry is now-a-days not limited to the teeth and restorations, but soft tissue look also contributes to the final aesthetic outcome. In order to prevent complications such as recession in restorative and implant treatments, it is crucial to evaluate and determine the gingival biotype far ahead of any treatment. Numerous classifications have been proposed for gingival biotypes including: thin/thick, thin scalloped/thick flat, etc. Amongst different parameters of gingival biotype determination, gingival thickness is the most significant. A variety of methods exist for evaluating gingival biotype which fall into two major categories: invasive (eg., transgingival probing or using spriders) and non-invasive (eg., Ultrasonic, CBCT, TRAN). To avoid complications after restorative treatments, it is important to enhance thin gingival biotype in advance. The most reliable method of doing is subepithelial connective tissue graft. In this presentation we introduce a minimally invasive grafting protocol for biotype enhancement in implants with dehiscence lesions.