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Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco

Title: Giant complex odontom of mandible: A spectacular case report


Biography: N.AKERZOUL



Odontomas  are  considered  as  benign  tumors  of  odontogenic  tissue  origin  and  are  more  over  non-aggressive.  They can also  becategorized as hamartomas and are a result of developmental malformation of odontogenic tissues. As the name suggests, they are composed  of  mature  tooth  substances.  They  possess  limited  and  slow  growth  potential  and  are  well  differentiated.  They can be ectodermal, mesodermal or mixed in origin. Mixed variety may be further divided into compound or complex depending upon theirradio-graphical resemblance to the tooth. Compound odontomes are reported to be twice more common than complex odontomes.Among them, complex odontomes are asymptomatic unless they cause bony expansion of the jaws.

Case Report:

This paper aims to report and discuss a case of complex odontoma with unusually large size leading to gross facial asymmetry.Further this paper will highlight the important information the general dental practitioner must possess to diagnose such lesions at anearly stage.


Odontomas  are  benign  odontogenic  tumors  with  unusually  large  size  leading  to  gross  facial  asymmetry.  The  general  dental practitioners must possess the knowledge and important information to diagnose such lesions at an early stage.