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Sana Rauf

Akhtar Saeed Medical and Dental College, Pakistan


Sana Rauf studied and graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Lahore Medical and Dental College in 2017. During her under graduation she was a Founding Member of ‘Sehat Organization’, which joined hands with multiple NGOs across the region to provide free medical and dental healthcare in poverty struck areas of Punjab. After completing her foundation year in 2018, she went on to join a research externship at Agha Khan University, Karachi to dive into the world of research, epidemiology and public health. She is currently working as a Registrar at Akhtar Saeed Medical and Dental College in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department and plans on pursuing her master’s in public health in the near future.



Abstract : Maxillary sinus pneumatization and its relationship with vitamin D deficiency: A cross sectional study