Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Keynote: Risk assessment of apical periodontitis in endodontically treated teeth: a cross-sectional study
El OUARTI IMANE: Assistant professor achieved post-doctoral studies and obtained specialist grade in conservative dentistry, Certificate of Higher education in Biomaterials from Bordeaux University, and Certificate of Higher education in Conservative dentistry from Bordeaux University.
Apical periodontitis represents inflammation and destruction of the periradicular tissues occurring in response to the presence of microorganisms and their irritants within the root canal system. The ultimate goal of endodontic treatment is then to eliminate or at least reduce the microbial load within the root canal system. Even though, apical periodontitis may persist following root canal treatment. The present study aimed at investigating risk factors associated to apical periodontitis in endodontically treated teeth.
A total of 358 endodontically treated teeth were evaluated after a 1-year period in a Moroccan population according to predetermined criteria. Studied parameters were assessed clinically and radiographically. The association between coronal restoration quality, cavity design, periodontal status, root canal filling quality, coronal restoration related features, presence or absence of the opposing dentition and the periapical status was determined. Data were analyzed using chi-square test, odds ratio and logistic regression.
The present study revealed that gingival health, coronal restoration with CL II cavity design, and root canal filling quality influenced periapical status of endodontically treated teeth. This association was statistically significant for gingival disease (95% IC: 1.08-3.91, OR: 2.05, p=0.02), inadequate coronal restoration (95%IC: 1.16-4.04, OR: 2.16, p: 0.01), and inadequate root canal filling (95%IC: 4.86-27.99, OR: 11.6, P<0.001) respectively. Prevalence of apical periodontitis in the studied endodontically treated teeth was 72.1%.
The present study revealed that inadequate coronal restorations especially with large proximal margins (CL II cavity design) and gingival disease increased the risk of AP in endodontically treated teeth. Under filled or over filled root canals, canal fillings with low density and inadequate conicity were more associated with AP than inadequate coronal restorations, and when the root canal filling was inadequate the coronal seal did not prevent AP in endodontically treated teeth.
Keynote Forum
Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Keynote: Giant complex odontom of mandible: A spectacular case report
N.AKERZOUL is working in Faculty of Dentistry as Oral Surgery Fellow in the Department Of Oral Surgery as C.C.D.T in Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Odontomas are considered as benign tumors of odontogenic tissue origin and are more over non-aggressive. They can also becategorized as hamartomas and are a result of developmental malformation of odontogenic tissues. As the name suggests, they are composed of mature tooth substances. They possess limited and slow growth potential and are well differentiated. They can be ectodermal, mesodermal or mixed in origin. Mixed variety may be further divided into compound or complex depending upon theirradio-graphical resemblance to the tooth. Compound odontomes are reported to be twice more common than complex odontomes.Among them, complex odontomes are asymptomatic unless they cause bony expansion of the jaws.
Case Report:
This paper aims to report and discuss a case of complex odontoma with unusually large size leading to gross facial asymmetry.Further this paper will highlight the important information the general dental practitioner must possess to diagnose such lesions at anearly stage.
Odontomas are benign odontogenic tumors with unusually large size leading to gross facial asymmetry. The general dental practitioners must possess the knowledge and important information to diagnose such lesions at an early stage.
Keynote Forum
Sarah Clyde
Glasgow Dental Hospital and School
Keynote: Green tooth discolouration as a result of biliary atrasia: A Case Report
Sarah has been a qualified dentist since 2017 and has been working Maxillofacial Surgery from 2018-2019 and the on to Research and Restorative Densitry since 2019 until present.
Tooth discolouration is a problem that occurs in many children and adults, resulting in lower self confidence and often leading to patients actively seeking treatment in an attempt to improve their dental appearance. Discolouration of the dentition is multifactorial and can be extrinsic and intrinsic in nature. Extrinsic causes are due to the build up of stains from the external environment building upon the teeth while intrinsic causes affect the internal dental structures, causing discolouration from within via absorption of pigment. Intrinsic green discolouration as a result of infant biliary atrasia will be considered in this case report, along with treatment planning and subsequent management.
Patient MM attended Glasgow Dental Hospital when she was initialy six years old following a referral regarding ‘green staining of all their teeth’, which she was becoming aware of. The patient attended with her mum who had reported noticing green discolouration on the patients primary and permanent dentition. The patient was no experiencing pain or sensitivity
She was born at 36 weeks and suffered neonatal jaundice and was diagnosed with biliary atrasia. She had a successful live rtransplant when she was three. She was the youngest of three children, neither of whom had been diagnosed with this condition as neonates. Her medication lists consisted of Tacrolimus (immunosuppressant) , prednisolone (steroid) and mycophenolate mofetil (immunosuppressant).
This report looks at the patient’s dental appearance, treatment options carried out, including failed bell glass veneers and then proceeding to vital bleaching and reconsideration of veneer replacement.